Sunday, September 8, 2024

06DEC2018 - 'The ancient leather tanners of Ecuador- "In the town of Cotacachi, Ecuador,

 06DEC2018 - 'The ancient leather tanners of Ecuador- "In the town of Cotacachi, Ecuador, which bustles with more than 50 leather artisans and shops, one family still holds on to a centuries-old tanning recipe.

A strong smell of salt, leather and wet fur permeated the tiny workshop where Luis Yamberla Cacuango was busy working on an intricate leather belt pattern.

Out in the spacious back yard, cowhides, llama pelts and goat skins were in various stages of processing. Stacked and covered in salt, steeping in lime or tanning in a large barrel, the skins and hides were being worked on with simple tools: a smooth stone to scrape the remaining meat from a raw hide; stone and wood barrels to hold and process the skins.

As Yamberla and his father, Luis Sr, busied themselves in the workshop, Yamberla’s mother Maria Virginia offered me some of her homemade chicha, a drink made of fermented corn and wheat, then carried on brushing a sheepskin and chatting to her granddaughters and nieces in her native Quichua.

Cotacachi, a small, quiet mountain town in Ecuador’s Imbabura Province, is famous for its leather artisans who offer various items around the plaza de armas (main square) and in the surrounding streets, kiosks, stalls and shops. Beautifully decorated saddles and bridles, jackets, bags and purses, souvenirs and shoes – in Cotacachi, leather is everywhere.

This town has been making leather products for hundreds of years, largely because of the surrounding cattle and dairy farms that used to be a primary source of raw hides. “Now, most of the leather, already processed, arrives from the nearby town of Ambato or as far as Colombia to save costs,” Yamberla told me...." -

Friday, August 2, 2024

01AUG24- #Ecuadorians can and do know how to BARTER among themselves, this ability came in handy during the 1999 / 2000 Economic Crisis

 #Ecuadorians can and do know how to BARTER among themselves, this ability came in handy during the 1999 / 2000 Economic Crisis and SUCRE Currency Collapse! Adoption of the USD (A mere 24 Years Ago!!)

'Essential Bartering Items to Stock Up On for a Collapsed Society-
-Blog, Emergency Scenarios, Recommendations, Supplies, Survival Hacks- "Imagine waking up to find supply chains broken and essential services gone.

Stocking up on key bartering items now can ensure your survival and comfort in such a scenario. These items will become invaluable, allowing you to trade for what you need and stay resilient when money loses its value and practical goods become everything...."
Remember: these items are for trade (easy to trade material items).

Food and Water Supplies
Having a reliable stockpile of food and water is critical in a collapsed society. These essentials will not only sustain you and your family but can also be traded for other necessities.

Canned Goods: Long shelf life and easy to store. Trade for fresh produce or other essentials.

Dehydrated or Freeze-Dried Food: Lightweight and long-lasting. Ideal for trading with others needing emergency food supplies.

Bottled Water: Essential for survival. Trade for medical supplies or other necessities.

Water Purification Tablets: Ensures safe drinking water. Highly valuable for trading, especially in areas without clean water.

Seeds for Gardening: Allows for sustainable food production.
Trade for immediate food or other long-term survival items.,..." -

Thursday, July 25, 2024

25JUL24 #Quito #Cumbaya #Tumbaco "Ruta Viva the 6 lane Hwy that connects UIO to Quito City,

25JUL24 #Quito #Cumbaya #Tumbaco "Ruta Viva the 6 lane Hwy that connects UIO to Quito City, runs east and west thru the Valley of Tumbaco- A deadly multi-vehicle accident occurred on Quito's Ruta Viva this morning. Seven vehicles were involved: a truck, five cars and a motorcycle, according to preliminary information from the Metropolitan Transit Agency (AMT). Although the preliminary report from the AMT indicates that there are two fatalities in the accident, the Quito Fire Department has confirmed one death and six injuries. The AMT reported the total closure of the Ruta Viva and Intervalles in all directions." Photo courtesy: AMT - (i live less that 1 mile from the accident scene)

Sunday, June 30, 2024

TUE 02JUL24- #Conaie #March - "For territories free of mining extraction!

TUE 02JUL24- #Conaie #March - "For territories free of mining extractivism! We call for a sit-in and mobilization towards the National Assembly for the presentation of the draft Law on Prior, Free and Informed Consultation and Consent." 

📍Tuesday, July 2
09:00 Quito, El Arbolito park
#Conaie #Ecuador #LeyConsultaPrevia #Justicia #DDHH #IndigenousPeoples

a lotta chitt chat from quito, metro quito, cota, otv, banos, macas, i have feelers out, but nuthin solid in the media except for peaceful marches and demonStrations 👨🌾 what cud possibly go wrong?🤕

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

26JUN2024- 'Eight Power Plants Needed by 2026- #CENACE into operation by 2026 to avoid power outages-

 26JUN2024- 'Eight Power Plants Needed by 2026- #CENACE - 'Ecuador must put eight power plants into operation by 2026 to avoid power outages- "There are delays in the installation of eight new hydroelectric, thermoelectric, solar and wind generation plants, necessary for the country to overcome power outages. Ecuador has the challenge of launching eight new power plants by March 2026, if it does not want to deepen its electricity crisis. But the plans have delays. 

"The incorporation of the new generation plants on the scheduled dates is the only solution to reliably serve the electricity supply in the country," says the state energy operator Cenace in its Operational Plan of the National Interconnected System. In fact, one of the factors that explains the current crisis in the electricity sector is, precisely, the delay in the start-up of hydroelectric, wind, solar and thermoelectric plants.

Read: CENACE warns of risk of power outages until February 2025 In total, according to CENACE, Ecuador must put 1,802 megawatts into operation between the remainder of 2024 and March 2026. Of that total, 969.32 megawatts correspond to thermoelectric generation plants; that is, they run on fossil fuels.

And the remaining 833 megawatts are hydroelectric, photovoltaic and wind power plants, details the CENACE report, updated in April 2024. Only in 2024 three plants have to come into operation: Third thermoelectric unit of Termogas Machala, for 77 megawatts. Alluriquín Hydroelectric Plant of 205.4 megawatts, which is part of the Toachi Pilatón complex. And Energyquil's thermoelectric generation for 192 megawatts.

But there are delays in putting the plants into operation. For example, 96.16 megawatts of the Energyquil thermoelectric plant were to be put into operation on April 1, 2024, but this did not happen. The latest that is known about this project are the observations made by the former Minister of Energy, Andrea Arrobo, in relation to the fact that the contract would have been signed in the previous government directly and that the energy would arrive when there would no longer be blackouts, since I expected the drought to end in March. However, the dry season lasted and blackouts returned to the country on April 16.

Toachi Pilatón's Alluriquín would only operate in 2025. On the other hand, although the Toachi Pilatón complex, located between the provinces of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Pichincha and Cotopaxi, is made up of three hydroelectric plants, only one has come into operation: Sarapullo with 49 megawatts.

The other two are: Minitoachi, 1.4 megawatts; and Alluriquín, the largest with a capacity of 204 megawatts. Alluriquín must enter operation, according to Cenace plans, in November 2024. However, disputes between the state holding Corporación Eléctrica de Ecuador (Celec) and the Russian company Tyazhmash, in charge of installing the electromechanical equipment of the plant, threaten to delay the commissioning progress of the project.

The problem is that Tyazhmash claims USD 54 million in addition to the initial value of the contract, which was USD 124 million, due to delays in civil works by Celec that have extended the contract period. But Celec argues that Tyazhmash should complete the installation of the electromechanical equipment in September 2023 and added that until May 2024 there were still pending from the contractor.

In the midst of this dispute, the Minister of Energy, Roberto Luque, said that the Government was open to finding a solution to the impasse with the Russian company, as he said that any delay in that project could further deepen the electricity crisis. After that, This June 25, 2026, the general manager of Celec, Fabián Calero, announced a pre-agreement with the Russian company, which would allow conclude the project. Even so, the tentative date for Alluriquín to come into operation is only the first quarter of 2025.

Aromo and Villonaco III, stalled Although the Government of then President Lenín Moreno awarded the projects in December 2020 El Aromo solar and Villonaco III wind power, the concession contracts were only signed in March and July 2023, respectively. Despite the months that have passed, the works have not yet started due to lack of agreement regarding guarantees for the payment of energy to concessionaire companies. 

El Aromo, which will allow the installation of 200 megawatts and will be installed in the land of the former Pacific Refinery. The project will be carried out by the Spanish company Solarpackteam. On the other hand, Villonaco III will generate 110 megawatts and will be located in Loja. The project will be carried out by the Spanish consortium Cobra Zero-E.

#Power outages #Crisis #electricity #wind energy #solar energy #hydroelectric #thermoelectric


Thursday, June 20, 2024

19JUN24- 'Marches are being organized by Union Organizations (FUT) and (Cedocut) for Thursday the 4th of July'

 19JUN24- 'Marches are being organized by Union Organizations (FUT) and (Cedocut) for Thursday the 4th of July' - "This June 19, 2024, leaders of union groups and teachers announced that they will take to the streets on July 4. 👉 The FUT will take to the streets on July 4 to protest against the elimination of subsidies, The United Workers Front (FUT) assures that the increase of only USD 0.26 in Extra and Ecopaís gasoline is a 'deception' by Daniel Noboa's government.

👉 March of social groups against the increase in extra gasoline prices and ecopaís will be on July 4, The union unions grouped in the United Workers Front (FUT) announce protests against the government of Daniel Noboa Azín to demand that the increase in the prices of extra gasoline and ecopaís by $0.26 be reversed.
The government of President Daniel Noboa announced that a band system will be applied and that the cost of gasoline could vary depending on international crude oil prices.
The president of the FUT, José Villavicencio, announced the de facto measure for which they are holding conversations with social and indigenous organizations.
The Government “believes that we are idiots,” Villavicencio reproached and demanded that the subsidies be eliminated but for the economic sectors that benefit from them and from tax exemptions.
”Those affected by this increase will be the people and the middle sector, because gasoline goes up and everything goes up. Inflation and the cost of living are going to rise,” said Villavicencio, and called on other social groups to the “great day” of protests.
Edwin Bedoya, leader of the Ecuadorian Confederation of Unitary Class Organizations of Workers (Cedocut), commented that these days citizens will be motivated to mobilize, because the compensation offered by the regime "does not generate employment."
The Government has announced that a compensation system will be applied to transporters that is in the process of design and implementation." -

---- #ATENCIÓN >> The Workers' Unified Front (FUT) this Wednesday, June 19, 2024,, announced national mobilizations for Thursday, July 4, 2024 in rejection of economic measures established by the National Government, which includes the elimination of fuel subsidy. This information was made known by José Villavicencio, president of FUT, through a press conference. 22h - radiodinamicaecu
See original- (JJinEcu) the OP - My comments: This is a very fluid situation that we will have to monitor and keep a close eye on. For these Marches and Demonstrations to manifest into a prolonged protests and or maybe even to escalate into a Nationwide #Paro - STRIKE as we had back in 30SEP 2010, - OCT 2019 and JUNE 2022 requires an enormous amount of organization planning and funding, often times that funding and organizing comes from outside of Ecuador sources. It is always best to Stay tuned to Official Ecua news sources and outlets and as well to your Embassy or Consulate if things were to signal that they may take turn for the worse. So that you can plan and prep accordingly. You may even want to check into and consider registering with the STEP Program, if something were to happen while you are here, ((ie: *Natural Disaster, Volcano EarthQuake Tsunami
*Civil Unrest, *Loss of Passport, *Major Health Crisis, *Auto or Bus Accident, *Hospitalized, *Locked Up Abroad. etc etc))
(PS) What is STEP? Benefits of Enrolling in STEP: The - Smart - Traveler - Enrollment - Program,
(STEP) is a free service to allow U.S. citizens and nationals traveling abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.:
U.S. Embassy Quito-
E12-170 Avigiras Ave. and Ave. Eloy Alfaro
Quito, Ecuador - Phone: +593-2-398-5000,
U.S. Consulate General Guayaquil, Ecuador
+(593)(4) 371-7000
+(593)(4) 371-7000 (after hours)
------- Canadian Embassy in Quito, Ecuador-
Message to Canadians / Avis aux Canadiens - From:
Sent: 12 / 2022 Dear Canadians, We encourage you to stay connected with the latest travel advice and advisories, Please consider signing up with the Government of Canada's: Registration of Canadians Abroad (ROCA)
Quito - Embassy of Canada, Av. Amazonas N37-29 and Union Nacional de Periodistas,
Eurocenter Building, 3rd Floor Quito, Ecuador
Quito, Ecuador, EC170514 -Tel. 593 (2) 245-5499,
If you are traveling in the affected areas:
Monitor local media for information on road closures or other disruptions, Avoid demonstrations and large gatherings, Follow the instructions of local authorities,
We encourage you to stay connected with the latest travel advice and advisories at:
Please share this important information with other Canadians in your area. Quito - Embassy of Canada, Av. Amazonas N37-29 and Union Nacional de Periodistas, Eurocenter Building, 3rd Floor (one block north of the Supreme Court Building,
near Amazonas and United Nations), Quito, Ecuador
Quito, Ecuador, EC170514 -Tel. 593 (2) 245-5499,
Inet: --- Australia has a Consulate in Guayaquil, Ecuador, headed by an Honorary Consul, which provides limited consular assistance to Australian citizens, but does not include the issue of Australian passports. Contact details for the Consulate are:
Honorary Consulate in Guayaquil:
Pinturas Unidas S.A., Km 16.5, Via Daule.
Guayaquil, Ecuador,
Telephone: (+593) 9 5981 1614
Email: (not for Visa Enquiries) Office Hours: Monday to Friday from 8am to 1pm, and 1:30pm to 4:30pm
You can obtain full consular assistance from the nearest Australian Embassy which is in Chile.
By agreement between the Canadian and Australian governments, the local Canadian Embassy in Quito also provides limited consular assistance to Australians in Ecuador. This service does not include the issue of Australian passports....." --

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

18JUN24- "The new United States ambassador to Ecuador, Arthur W. Brown, arrived in Quito to begin his duties."

 18JUN24- "The new United States ambassador to Ecuador, Arthur W. Brown, arrived in Quito to begin his duties. In the coming days, he will present his credentials to President Noboa. He replaces Michael J. Fitzpatrick, who said goodbye over the weekend. Brown is a career diplomat with the rank of minister-counselor;

Between 2021 and 2022 he was Minister Counselor at the United States Embassy in Harare (Zimbabwe) and before, between 2020 and 2021, he served as director of the mission of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). in Zimbabwe. His career has focused on Africa, Southwest Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean regions....." -