Sunday, June 30, 2024

TUE 02JUL24- #Conaie #March - "For territories free of mining extraction!

TUE 02JUL24- #Conaie #March - "For territories free of mining extractivism! We call for a sit-in and mobilization towards the National Assembly for the presentation of the draft Law on Prior, Free and Informed Consultation and Consent." 

📍Tuesday, July 2
09:00 Quito, El Arbolito park
#Conaie #Ecuador #LeyConsultaPrevia #Justicia #DDHH #IndigenousPeoples

a lotta chitt chat from quito, metro quito, cota, otv, banos, macas, i have feelers out, but nuthin solid in the media except for peaceful marches and demonStrations 👨🌾 what cud possibly go wrong?🤕

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