Saturday, November 9, 2013

The fastest way to send money electronically We put Square, Google, Paypal, and Popmoney to the test

The fastest way to send money electronically

We put Square, Google, Paypal, and Popmoney to the test-

Nov. 6, 2013, 7:05 a.m. EST 

Downloading a book, movie or album takes just minutes. But electronically transferring cash to a friend can take the better part of a week. 

In an earlier story, we explained how part of the reason computers move money so slowly is that banks still rely on 1970s technology. But with a growing number of services vying to become the new go-to way to message money, MarketWatch decided to take the tech for a test spin. 

We sent $10 from New York to a colleague, multimedia producer Billy Higgins, in San Francisco five different ways: through PayPal, Popmoney, Google Wallet GOOG -0.08%  , and the recently launched Square Cash. As a control, we also sent $10 by putting a good, old-fashioned check in the mail. All of these transactions were initiated at 3 p.m. eastern on a recent Friday afternoon.... 

Google, Square thwarted by banks’ 1970s tech

Disco-era computers bedevil efforts to allow for instant money transfers- Nov. 5, 2013, 8:55 a.m. EST
Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.
New services are popping up to make sending someone cash as easy as sending an email. 

There’s just one problem: the technology banks use to move money dates back to the 1970s. So while the Internet makes it possible to transmit 10 books across the country in several seconds, moving 10 bucks can take several days. And demand for instant payment services isn’t nearly strong enough to convince the banking industry to join the 21st century, experts say...



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