Thursday, November 13, 2014

Happy Veterans Day from Mindo, Ecuador NOV 2014

I want to thank each and every Man & Woman that has served, and a special shout out to WWII: Vet Loy L. Smith: 3 Jan 1922; - 31 Oct 1991. Murrayville, GA. RIP- He was a DRIVER.
Loy L. married my Grand Mother Margarita the year I was born, and was just like my real Grand Dad.

I spent most every summer break in the N. GA Mountains right across the road from the north end of Lake Lanier. By the time I was 12 Loy L. had me capable of taking his 50 Ford pick up truck to run errands to the local country store alone, and got a kick out of it, I did too.
..about 2 years ago Margarita was put in an assisted living home and while Family Members were going through 80+ years of memorabilia came across Loy L's WWII Bronze Star, wool Garrison cap and other Medals, and asked if I would like to have them? I emphatically agreed and had the items sent on down here to Ecuador.

..out of the 50+ fifty# check bags I have had muled down here over the years, there is nothing quite as significant to me as this, it's proudly displayed on a shelf in my humble abode living room at the highest elevation possible.

..just before Loy L. passed in about late 1990 - to early 1991 I was up visiting one weekend and we were up late watching television, I was flipping through the channels, Saturday Night Live was on and Dana Carvey was doing his impression of GW Bush #41.
Loy L. got very upset and a tear trickled down his face, he said: "What has this country come to, when they will allow the Office of the Commander & Chief to be demoralized like this?"
..out of every lesson on anything he ever taught me or demonstrated to me, this was probably one of the most important.

Ironically, soon after Loy L. passed, it was like the torch was passed and I was suddenly spending a good amount of time with another WWII Vet, 4 yrs ARMY & re-upped 4yrs NAVY my Biological Grand Father: John K. Abercrombie 04 NOV 1920 - 27 APR 2005 Murrayville, GA. RIP- He was a COOK. I look back, and down to this day Veterans have all ways been there for me, most every step of the way, and I can't possibly by name, rank & Serial No. mention them all, but you all know who you are, and please know I am very grateful for pointing me in the right direction.

Last weekend I had a KOREAN War Vet 32 yr US ARMY RET COL down for a 4 day Mindo Bird Watching Tour, Good Gosh we had a blast, it was just like old times. ...when you dealing with VETs there seems to normally be one common denominator, you know right where they stand. one long time friend Viet Nam Vet that I speak and deal with often says: "I ain't in the Bull Shit Business."

More Birding photos from the Brothers Rodrigo & Angel Paz Sanctuario in Nanegalito, Ecuador:

Andean Cock of the Rock:

Giant Antpitta:

 ..other locations included Los Bancos- Mirador Rio Blanco & Milpe Refugio / (MCF) Mindo Cloud Forest; birds seen but not photoed - yellow breasted mannikin finches, ochre breasted antpitta - crimson mantled woodpecker, wood creeper, blue winged tanager, rufous-bellied nighthawk, white capped dipper, and various humming birds - colibries~

You Tube from another birder at Refugio Paz de Las Aves, Nanegalito, Ecuador. Video by Dušan M. Brinkhuizen.:

We Lodged centrally located in Mindo 22 km's East to La Paz & 24 km's West to MCF at Casa de Piedra with our gracious hosts Henry & Sara:

Thanks for stopping by and viewing, come see us? "Journeyman Jack in Ecuador"

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

AHHH CUENCA!!: Cuenca Independence Days - #4

AHHH CUENCA!!: Cuenca Independence Days - #4:

Cuenca Independence Days - #4

   Yep, it's my 4th time experiencing Cuenca's week-long independence (from
Spain 194 years ago) celebrations.  My first one happened to be the
starting days of my initial exploratory trip, though I was delayed
getting to Cuenca because American Airlines left my bags behind in
Miami.  So, I was stuck in butt-ugly-hot-humid Guayaquil waiting for my
bags to catch up with me.  That was 2010.

November 3rd is 'THE' day, which this year fell on a Monday, so we had a
long 3-day weekend to party.  Concerts were all over the place, craft
fairs, a carnival, parades, a classic car show, comical races, food up
the wazoo, fireworks, and much more.   There was even a band at the
airport to greet visitors coming out of baggage claim while, at the same
time, greeters handed out orchids and other small gifts.....<read more>

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Are you contemplating relocation? Escape the Asylum – To South America

Are you contemplating relocation? October 7, 2014 by John Little -, by Alexandra Devereaux:

  Relocation can be a bit tricky if you do not do your homework thoroughly. It also requires knowing yourself, knowing what you can tolerate, and what you cannot. But, in these coming times, know that you are going to have to “Stretch” that tolerance and faith to a point of near breaking, as nothing will be as it ever has been before. However, the single most important aspect before considering relocation, is your communication with the Holy Spirit.

  Perhaps you have not given it any thought so far, or are struggling with the idea presently. Well, I assure you, turning this decision over to the Lord, as I did, is your best option, as He alone knows what path is best for you. After reading this article, you will realize it may not be easy, but if you are truly to be in some other place, the Lord will take you there.

  As proof of that statement, I offer to you, my personal story of a journey of “Obedience” to the Lord, after being told by the Holy Spirit to leave the U.S.(read more)......

Monday, October 6, 2014

ECUADOR NEWS MAGAZINE: Ecuadorian police dismantled the most dangerous dr...

ECUADOR NEWS MAGAZINE: Ecuadorian police dismantled the most dangerous dr...:

Ecuadorian police dismantled the most dangerous drug gang in the country

drugs seized by police
drugs seized by police

Ecuador news
magazine - Quito, Oct 6 - Ecuadorian police dismantled a gang of
suspected drug traffickers, considered "the most dangerous" operating in
the South American country, said Monday Interior Minister Jose Serrano.

Pacífico", disjointed alleged dangerous band of drug trafficking in the
country and its leader Celso M (sic)," said the official on his Twitter

He refers to
the police action called Operación Pacífico, which allowed the arrest
of 10 people including Celso M. will, alleged ringleader of the drug
organization, the official said in a press conference.

the operation, police seized yachts and other assets of the
organization, including a house with a cockpit and 400 kilograms (kg) of
drug, amount produced weekly.

They also found six guns, two satellite cell phones, navigation charts, coordinates and other documentary evidence.

"From the
cities of Manta, Guayaquil, Muisne, Puerto Viejo, Pedernales and
Salinas, there were delivered about 400 kilograms of drugs a week to
Guatemala and Panama," stated Minister Serrano.

Already in
these Central American countries, the alkaloid was given to
organizations to be transported to Mexico and the United States...
ECUADOR NEWS MAGAZINE: Ecuadorian police dismantled the most dangerous

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Olon Again...Naturally: Expats Helping Kids in Ecuador

Olon Again...Naturally: Expats Helping Kids in Ecuador: May 21, 2012 The gringos are coming!   Four years ago, Todd and I had a hard time keeping many of our new Ecuadorian friends straight ( “...

Monday, September 29, 2014

Buying Property in Ecuador

Buying Property in Ecuador 

Retirement Hell,  Retirement Heaven.  You Pick.

buying property in ecuador
Vacant Beach Front Land

When was the last time someone lied to you?

Hurts, doesn’t it?

How about the last time you loaned someone money and they didn’t pay you back?

Think back, we’ve all done it.

Remember that friend you helped? You co-signed his car loan and he never made even one payment. I did the same thing.

Life is full of these little disappointments.

But thank god all that is behind you…. You don’t even hold a
resentment toward those people. You are retired now, and life is good.

In fact, you have never felt so good. You are healthy, have money in
the bank and a nice monthly income, and you have moved south to a lovely
little village on the coast of South America. No more mistakes for you.
Just fun and relaxation.

At this moment, your life is perfect....