Saturday, December 29, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Our New Andean Life: Non-stop

Our New Andean Life: Non-stop: My family back home wonders what we do all day, and I know that it is a question that comes up with a lot of retired expats.  What do you do...

Our New Andean Life: The Cajas - Finally!

Our New Andean Life: The Cajas - Finally!: Yesterday we went hiking in the Cajas for the first time.  We drove up there on Saturday, but there was snow on the ground, we weren't dress...

La Mitad del Mundo – The Middle of the World in Ecuador

La Mitad del Mundo – The Middle of the World in Ecuador By On · In Ecuador, Quito

ECUADOR NEWS : Rangers of the national parks are trained

ECUADOR NEWS : Rangers of the national parks are trained: Ecuador news - The 425 rangers and 23 executives responsible for working in wildlife national parks, biological reserves, ecological reserve...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

ECUADOR NEWS: Ecuador expat blog - Living It Up in Ecuador

ECUADOR NEWS: Ecuador expat blog - Living It Up in Ecuador: Ecuador news -  Sorry it has taken me so long to do a proper update.  As I mentioned in an earlier note, we have been locked into the Ecuad...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

ECUADOR NEWS: Ecuador,Old man(82) killed with machete

ECUADOR NEWS: Ecuador,Old man(82) killed with machete: Ecuador news - Police have not yet established how many criminals broke in the house of the farmer Adam Chavez Paredes, 82, who was killed w...