Wednesday, February 26, 2025

20FEB25 Ecuador and the EU sign security pact- 🪖"The European Union and Ecuador....'

 20FEB25 Ecuador and the EU sign security pact- 🪖"The European Union and Ecuador have signed an agreement to coordinate security operations. According to the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry, the pact is aimed at fighting transnational organized crime, especially the illegal drug trade.👮‍♂️

Foreign Minister Gabriela Sommerfeld said the agreement, signed Friday, is part of the government’s plan to develop international alliances to fight organized crime. Last week, President Daniel Noboa asked the National Assembly to authorize foreign military bases in Ecuador for the purpose of combating the international drug trade.👨‍💼

In a statement, the EU said the agreement allows “joint efforts, investigations and law enforcement actions” against international crime groups involved in drug trafficking and other illegal actions. It said it will provide funding for technological improvements, especially of surveillance operations in EU and Ecuadorian ports. The agreement also establishes crime prevention monitoring centers in the EU and Ecuador.

In a statement, the EU said the agreement allows “joint efforts, investigations and law enforcement actions” against international crime groups involved in drug trafficking and other illegal actions. It said it will provide funding for technological improvements, especially of surveillance operations in EU and Ecuadorian ports. The agreement also establishes crime prevention monitoring centers in the EU and Ecuador.

Ecuador ranks sixth for ‘most violent’ cities-
Ecuador ranks only behind Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, South Africa and the United States for having the most violent cities in the world. In an annual survey compiled by the International Citizen Council for Public Security, Ecuador placed three cities, Machala, Guayaquil and Manta, on its list of top 50 most violent cities.
Machala ranked seventh in the world for murders, with 87.5 per 100,000 population, followed by Guayaquil (73.6) and Manta 70.

Port-au-Prince, Haiti, topped the survey with 139.31 homicides per 100,000.
In number of cities with the highest murder rates, Mexico had 20 in the top 50, Brazil had eight and Colombia six.

Temporary Cooperation-
The government of Ecuador, led by President Daniel Noboa, proposed the temporary incorporation of foreign military forces to combat organized crime and drug trafficking, which have generated a significant increase in violence in the country in recent years. This initiative seeks to reinforce the actions of the Ecuadorian Armed Forces and National Police in the context of what Noboa has defined as an "internal armed conflict" against narcoterrorism.

At the same time, the president of Ecuador wants to promote a constitutional reform to allow foreign military bases in Ecuador, currently prohibited by the Constitution. This reform must be approved by the National Assembly and ratified by referendum.

Ecuador faces a serious security crisis linked to drug trafficking, with international cartels such as those from Mexico, Colombia and the Balkans operating in collaboration with local gangs. Although homicide rates decreased slightly between 2023 and 2024 (from 46.18 to 38.76 per 100,000 inhabitants), they remain significantly higher than in previous years. January 2025 was the most violent month on record in the country's history.

Proposed constitutional reform-
To facilitate international cooperation in matters of security, the Executive has proposed a partial reform of Article 5 of the Constitution, which currently prohibits the establishment of foreign military bases in Ecuadorian territory. This modification would allow the temporary presence of special forces from allied countries to support the National Police and the Armed Forces in operations against organized crime.

Reactions in the National Assembly-
The National Assembly is debating a resolution of political support for this initiative. The pro-government ADN bloc has defended the need for international collaboration to effectively confront criminal organizations operating in the country. It is expected that in the next few days the Legislature will pronounce itself on the proposed constitutional reform and the cooperation agreements proposed by the Executive.

Former President Rafael Correa sharply criticized the proposal, calling it an admission of the current government's failure to resolve the violence crisis and questioning its effectiveness. Security experts have said the move could focus more on technical cooperation and intelligence than direct military operations. Ecuador already has agreements with the United States to combat drug trafficking, such as joint maritime patrols. However, foreign military bases were eliminated during Correa's term in 2009, citing sovereignty concerns."


Friday, February 21, 2025

21FEB25 #Quito CCW Gun Courses available, get it while you can man🤠

🥰#Quito CCW Gun Class for legal Gun ownership and legal to concealed carry weapons / armas🔫 (this is our gun club amigos where i go to train and practice if you know anybody that may be interested in #CCWEcuador contact me 🤠'JJinEcu' - :) 

19FEB25 "🚨ALERT🚨| Leaked national and international civil military information on maximum alert of terrorist actions against the Ecuadorian state" -

Monday, February 3, 2025

03FEB25 'What the Ship (Ep117) | Tariffs | Energy | Containers | US Economic Stre...

03FEB25 - 🚢'What the Ship (Ep117) What's Going on With Shipping?- 389K subscribers, 🛟⚓🏗️Trump Tariffs💸 | Oil and Energy🛢️ | Containers | US Economic Strength versus Mexico and Canada Tariffs | Suez and Panama Canal - "In this episode, Sal Mercogliano a maritime historian at Campbell University (@campbelledu) and former merchant mariner reviews the top 5 maritime stories as of February 2, 2025." #supplychain #tariffs #energy #containership #Mexico #Canada #China #Suez #Panama -

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 21JAN25 'ECUADOR ELECTION,🗳 SOUTH AMERICA TEETERING BETWEEN FREE MARKET CAPITALISM AND SOCIALIST DICTATORSHIPS- by 'Off Leash with Erik Prince' 50.9K subscribers, Jan 21, 2025 "As Ecuador approaches a consequential election to keep freedom alive on February 9, @realErikDPrince and @MarkVSerrano address the challenges and opportunities across the continent for President Donald Trump.


Watch as we cover the campaign to keep reformer Daniel Noboa in power in Ecuador, the need for new sanctions against Venezuela amidst the insidious connection between Maduro and Cuba, and President Milei’s historic war against the deep state in Argentina. Do not miss Erik’s analysis on the hope for freedom in the western hemisphere!"

Monday, January 20, 2025

19JAN25 - Galera, Esmeraldas, OceanView, 2Casas side by side, 170m2, 4BR, 4Bath, – Reduced from $64k Now Asking $49k (Nego) -

 (Dont miss out on this Ecuador 2025 Prez Debate Special Offer:(💸 Galera, Esmeraldas, OceanView, 2Casas side by side, 170m2, 4BR, 4Bath, balconys, Lote 5000m2 / 1.2Acres, Built 2016, Fruit Orchard Gardens – Reduced from $64k Now Asking $49k (Nego) - (Dont miss out on this Ecuador Prez Debate Special Offer:(💸

Sunday, January 19, 2025


 (1996) #Ecuador- Here is a story from 1996 that involved two U.S. service members in Ecuador. '40 DAYS AND 40 NIGHTS - THE ANATOMY OF A MISHAP INVESTIGATION' Published Oct. 22, 2008 - By Col. JOHN W. BLUMENTRITT - HQ AETC Safety Directorate,Hurlburt Field, Fla. -

-  "I got the call on a Sunday afternoon while working the chains at my 9-year-old son's football game. 🚁An SA-342 Gazelle gunship helicopter had crashed into a river in a remote jungle in northeastern Ecuador with two American special ops servicemembers aboard. 👨🏼‍🎤The Ecuadorian pilot was killed. One of the Americans, a Navy SEAL, escaped without injury, but the other, a Navy lieutenant, lost his lower left leg in the mishap.

Since the lieutenant was assigned to a unit at Hurlburt Field, Fla., I had been selected to serve on the mishap investigation board. "Why me?" I thought.

Being tasked to serve on one of these boards is almost never convenient. The calls come in the middle of family vacations, on wedding anniversaries, during children's birthday parties ... and football games. At the drop of a hat, safety investigators are taken away from family and normal duties at home units for nearly 40 days and 40 nights.

It's not easy suddenly changing roles. In my case, which took place in 1996, I went from piloting MH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters to investigating a major mishap in a foreign country.

And I won't lie; it's overwhelming when you walk up to the wreckage of a mishap and realize you have to sift through thousands of pieces of evidence. You're thinking, "How am I going to figure this out?"

Where's Matlock, Magnum P.I. or Sherlock Holmes when you need them? But when I got there, I realized I simply had to put trust in my training.

To serve on a mishap board, investigators will have completed intense safety courses at the Air Force Safety Center. With its insightful instruction, which includes a crash lab, they become well-prepared for the daunting task they face.

As investigators go through the process taught, the "Ah, ha!" moment will come. However, as the 16-hour days pile up, most will have some "Why me?" moments as well. Nevertheless, the importance of what they're doing won't be lost.

These professionals will determine what happened and why. They will find existing deficiencies, and then come up with recommendations that will save lives in the future.

In the case of the downed helicopter in Ecuador, we identified some problems and made recommendations that helped change special ops training programs for the better. These recommendations are still helping protect our aircrew members to this day. Moreover, we ensured that the lieutenant didn't lose his leg in vain.

Why me? ... Why such a system?

Because you are our greatest natural resource. And if saving you by preventing another mishap costs me another 40 days and 40 nights, sign me up!...." -

Thursday, January 16, 2025

16JAN25 - My 2025 NewYears Resolution is more time out on the La G range, zz style, 🎸🥁🎸 cuzz (imho)

 🤠iffin you gonna move down or remain in Ecuador on into 2025, get prepared for whats a coming down the pike🥷🏼its not and has not been just a Coastal & #GYE thang, its also a Sierra & Metro #Quito Thanggy as well👮🏻‍♂️💰

My 2025 NewYears Resolution is more time out on the La G range, zz style, 🎸🥁🎸 cuzz (imho) we gonna dang sure be a needin it🥷🏼if anybody wants to no longer be an outlaw? Call me to join our Qtowne Quito gun club and get legal to tote with a 55hr CCW Course, now a days The CCW is pretty much streamlined down to this: plan on about $300 for to join the gun club,
about $200 or up to $300 for the CCW course,
about $300 for psyche, psycho and toxico exams, a 9mm Taurus for say $1200. a 9mm CZ for say $1500. aprox $80 to $100 for a box of 50rds 9mm FMJ i see peeps now a days getting legally armed in about a 3-4 months time frame, kinda like a tuff assed visa process! 'Always be prepared' - BSA & SA, "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" - Louis L'Amour (1908-1988) Western novelist of "frontier stories" Stay Frosty☃ Stay Strapped🔫 Stay Dangerous⚠

Welkome to Expats in Ecuador grp, i admin in a few of the many alt social media and lame various social media Expats in Ecuador fb groups, i have lived and worked here full time in the Relocation Realty & Rentals Ecuador field since 2008, If your ever up near the UIO Quito way? for 8 years in a row we meet at the same lunch venue, Come join US/CAN do it Paco, we have an Expats meet and greet lunch at 'El Patio' each TUE in the Valley in Cumbaya just east of Quito near the UIO int airport, We look fwd to meeting you if ever over this way, feel free to send me a fb friendsShip🚢 request, All the Best in Ecuador, Journeyman Jack Ecuador on fb : 'Jack Ecua Abercrombie'- https://www.facebook .com/JourneymanJackEcuador/ #StrategicRelocationEcuador - fb pg.: "I'd rather prep 17 years too early than 17 minutes too late." www.facebook .com/StrategicRelocationEcuadorExpatsSurvivalSchool Someone once said that Ecuador is a country that is: •EASY to love- 🥰😘😍 •HARD to understand-🤔 •Impossible to forget-😊 #EcuadorRealEstate - fb pg.: Call Toll free from U.S. & Canada: +1-770-828-7913,
ECU. Off: 02-380-4088, ECU. Cel Claro: 098-828-8953, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, +593-98-828-8953,