Monday, March 3, 2025

TUE 04MARCH25 (13:30) 🥂 'What to know about 'Fat Tuesday'🍷the last day of Carnaval / Mardi Gras🎭We will be there ....

 TUE 04MARCH25 (13:30)

🥂 'What to know about 'Fat Tuesday'🍷the last day of Carnaval / Mardi Gras🎭We will be there tomorrow FAT TUE at 'the ole Party on el Patio' 🍺 As Usual!! Yes now going into our 8th year in same spot and time slot- Mardi Gras in New Orleans, also known as Carnival in Ecuador, 🍾has been in full swing since Jan. 6 and will close with a grand, final celebration on March 4, better known as Fat Tuesday.🎆🎇
"Originating from French traditions, the annual carnival celebration that began in Louisiana during the 1700s has transformed into a month-long event. The festivities include parades throughout the historic French Quarter, as revelers eat king cakes and toss green, purple, and gold beads into the crowd.
Mardi Gras, which began as a religious holiday, has become a weeks-long celebration, one that gives millions the opportunity to let loose and over-indulge before Lent, a 40-day season of prayer and fasting observed by Christians...", -
(Location Cumbaya, Quito)- "Howdy Neighbors just a Reminder, as usual, the Expat Meet & Greet Team will be taking Lunch Break Each Tuesday at @13:30,@‘El Patio’ in Cumbaya -Sector Primavera1, en la Rodondel de Florencia y Miguel Angel, join us if you are freed up to do so? - ...each and every Tuesday - we often have visitors from Cuenca, Cotacachi and the Coast,
GPS Coords: -0.21182693824964277, -78.42625567675495
We look fwd. to see yah there, Some attendees bring fresh fruits to exchange and share from their gardens ie: babacos, avocados, lemons etc, we also have set up a book exchange with some action / adventure / romance / comedy / self help books to hand out for anyone that is still into old school paper / ink w, the feel and smell of real actual physical books-
We had 35 Attend last Tuesday, and often go well into 16:00 - 16:30 with Coffee and desert, and as well as adult beverages, such as Sabai Craft beers with 10% al-ka-hol content ...and From 16:30 to 18:30 several stay on for cocktail hour🍸For nearby Comfy Lodging 6 blocks away at 'Casa del Sol' -
for more better info and directions here is my Cell & WhatsApp, +593-98-828-8953,
Address for the el patio fb pg 'About' tab has a google map and more detailed address info- 'Gastronómica, arte y cultura'. Encuéntranos en La Primavera 1 , La Primavera 170904 Quito, Ecuador- Multicultural plaza gastronómica en La Primavera, Cumbayá, About- more info-
Uber, indriver, DiDi run aprox $6.00 to $7.00 for the 20 minutes ride from the Downtown Quito Parque Carolina area in off peak rush hour traffic times - a big landmark coming from Quito is the Cumbaya Scala Shopping Mall, Go to the next traffic light past the Mall and take a right go 2 blocks up the hill and we are on the left in the roundabout just east and across the street from the PV1 UPC Police Station- Shopping- ('JJinEcu' Important Note FAQ #5A)
Someone once said that Ecuador is a country that is:
•EASY to love-
•HARD to understand-
•Impossible to forget-
Thank You,
Jack Ecua Abercrombie, Wasapp Me: -
((and free of charge if you would like all 30+ of my #JourneymanJack in Ecuador = 'JJinEcu' Important Tips Notes and FAQs Newsletter #1- thru #30+ list [and growing] of our Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Relocation to Ecuador tips, plz feel free to send me PM or an e-mail to
[Note: i bring to the lunch table a large variety of zelf defence items like pipper spreyte, osos 🐼y humanos, major-ette batons, coinpurse slapsJack,💰 stunningly delightful equipos, ⚡️ urban gear of all shapes, 🥷sizes and price ranges, we ship all over Ecuador contact US/CAN do for more info and details on gear, and also for a safety and security briefing presentation to your 🏘🌃neighborhood watch group or ⛪️church organization]
(🥸'Beware the ides of March' - Several of US/CAN and do take the local ECU CCW Course! its not all old fuddy duddy guys, We also have plenty of women participantes, instructores and competitores - its fun fun for the entire family we see you at the Kat-Bas / Club de Tiro Kat-Bas, or hit me up for more info @📲 )
All reactions:
Hugh Prather, Eric Mintz and 2 others


     Ecuador FEB/MAR 2009 - click here for fotos