
Thursday, April 11, 2024

10APR24- ⚖️ "A former Odebrecht executive, José Conceiçao Santos, said he paid bribes to former vice president Jorge Glas.

 10APR24- ⚖️ "A former Odebrecht executive, José Conceiçao Santos, said he paid bribes to former vice president Jorge Glas. His testimony under oath came within the trial taking place in the United States against the former Ecuadorian Comptroller General Carlos Pólit.

Conceiçao said that he did not remember the amount exactly, but that it was between $17 million and $18 million and that he gave it to Glas both in cash and through bank transfers. He also admitted to having paid some $12 million in bribes to Pólit. Some of this information had come out before.

Meanwhile, the former member of the Judiciary Council, Xavier Muñoz, said there was planning among former president Rafael Correa, the former president of the Judiciary Council, Wilman Terán, and the former president of the Citizen Participation Council, Alembert Vera to suspend and dismiss the attorney general, Diana Salazar. They were allegedly trying to annul Correa's sentence for bribery.

Muñoz testified about a meeting in a hotel in Brasil, in mid-2023, in which Rafael Correa personally told him that they as a political movement are going to analyze political support in the bloc, but he clarified that Muñoz has to support Wilman Terán. Terán was also the judge who allegedly prepared the precautionary measure that freed Jorge Glas from prison in 2022.

And Correismo lost a seat in the Assembly after the resignation of Xavier Jurado. He was one of the seven assembly members of Correismo who, at the end of March, broke the party line and voted in favor of the government's Tourism Law...." -

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