
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

01AUG23- 'A state that is unstable but has not yet fully failed is called a fragile state.-

"A failed state is the term used to describe a state whose government has lost control of its territory, economy, and people. A state that is unstable but has not yet fully failed is called a fragile state..."
FRAGILE STATES INDEX ANNUAL REPORT for 2022- Standby for the (FSI) 2023 updated edition to come out latter 2023 to see your #RAMMM = 'Retire Abroad Mass Media Magazine' current ranking-

The following States (PERU 87)  thru (Ecuador 89) - (Uzbekistan 88) - (Ukraine 92) (Belarus 91) (Serbia 94) (Moldova 105) (CUBA 117) are listed as code YELLOW - WARNING STATUS-

60.1 Cuba (117) 
60.8 Suriname (116) 
60.9 Vietnam (115) 
61.4 Cabo Verde (114) 
62.1 Jamaica (=112) 
62.1 Belize (=112) 
62.6 North Macedonia (111) 
62.8 Dominican Republic (110) 
62.9 Namibia (109) 
63.0 Ghana (108) 
64.2 Guyana (107) 
64.5 Moldova (=105) 
64.5 Maldives (=105) 
64.8 Samoa (104) 
65.4 Paraguay (103) 
66.5 Turkmenistan (102) 
66.6 Indonesia (=100) 
66.6 Bahrain (=100) 
66.7 Gabon (99) 
66.9 China (98) 
67.0 Armenia (97) 
67.4 Bhutan (96) 
67.5 Saudi Arabia (95) 
67.8 Serbia (94) 
68.2 Tunisia (93) 
68.6 Ukraine (92) 
68.7 Belarus (91) 
68.9 Fiji (90) 

69.1 Ecuador (89) 

69.6 Uzbekistan (88) 
69.8 Peru (87) 


  "...Failed states are often among the world's least-developed countries, with a low Human Development Index score. Many are also war torn or currently at war, and frequently rank among the world's most dangerous countries. As a result, failed states are often considered some of the world's worst countries to live in or to visit. A failed state struggles to implement public policies, build effective infrastructure, and protect civil liberties and human rights. Residents of a failed state have little physical security and lack the benefits that come from stable political and economic systems.

Characteristics of a failed state:

There is no official, universally accepted definition of a failed state. However, most every definition includes certain common, often intertwined characteristics:

  • Decreased ability to defend national boundaries — Territory can be taken over by criminal gangs, rebellious insurgents, or invading military forces from another state.
  • Decreased ability to police its territory — Government no longer holds a monopoly on the use of physical force to deter crime and protect the public. Corruption, crime, and lawlessness often increase.
  • Decreased public services — State-sponsored services deteriorate, including health care, public education, infrastructure such as roads and utilities, and police/fire departments.
  • Decreased economic stability — Unemployment rises, inflation skyrockets, currency loses value both domestically and internationally, tax revenue is lost and economic crimes often go unpunished.
  • Decreased legitimacy — Overall trust in the government and its ability diminishes, both domestically among the state's citizens and internationally among other states.

Not all failed states cease to exist. While many failed states are absorbed into another, more stable state, many more are either reformed with a stronger government or manage to linger for years, even generations, during which time living conditions for their citizens often continue to deteriorate. This possibility, combined with the lack of an official definition of a failed state, means there is no universally accepted list of which states are failed states and which are not. In fact, at least a few analysts argue that the very idea of a failed state, much like the idea of race, is a fictional concept invented for political/social gain.

That said, one of the most well-known methods of determining whether a would-be country is a failed or fragile state is the Fragile States Index (FSI) published by the non-profit Fund for Peace. To create the FSI, the Fund for Peace measures each country's performance in more than 100 sub-indicators, which it compiles into a dozen indicators including Security Apparatus, Economic Decline, Human Rights and Rule of Law, and Public Services. Those twelve metrics are then combined into a single score that ranges from 0 (least fragile) to 120 (most fragile). The FSI stops short of designating a specific score at which a state goes from fragile to failed, but assigns a failure warning to any country whose score is between 60 and 89 and places an alert on countries that score 90 or higher."

Top 10 Failed States by FSI Score (2022)*:

Rank State 2022 FSI Score
1 Yemen 111.7
2 Somalia 110.5
3 Syria 108.4
4 South Sudan 108.4
5 Central African Republic 108.1
6 DR Congo 107.3
7 Sudan 107.1
8 Afghanistan 105.9
9 Chad 105.7
10 Myanmar 100.0

*For a full list of the entire FSI, see the table that follows this text. -

Reasons why states become failed states

States can fail for a number of reasons. One major cause of state failure is a predatory and/or corrupt government, which acts in the best interests of a small group of people (the ruling class) rather than the citizenry as a whole. Additional possible reasons include civil wars (particularly those driven by religious extremism), genocide, and ethnic violence.

Some of the states most in danger of failing due to government corruption include Nicaragua, Brazil, Sudan, and North Korea. States including Libya, Iraq, Pakistan and Siberia are in danger of failing due to civil unrest and rebellion. Nigeria and Nepal are at risk because of democratic collapse, and states including Iraq, Yemen and Turkey are in danger because of ongoing religious and ethnic conflicts.

For over 60 years, The Fund for Peace (FFP) has been a world leader in
developing practical tools and approaches for reducing conflict. With a clear
focus on the nexus of human security and economic development, FFP
contributes to more peaceful and prosperous societies by engineering smarter
methodologies and smarter partnerships. FFP empowers policy-makers,
practitioners, and populations with context-specific, data-driven applications to
diagnose risks and vulnerabilities and to develop solutions through collective
dialogue. FFP is an independent tax-exempt non-governmental organization
headquartered in Washington, D.C. with offices in Accra, Ghana and Tunis,
Tunisia. FFP boasts six decades of programmatic experience in over 40
countries, focused on conflict early warning, peacebuilding, and sustainable

Copyright © 2022 The Fund for Peace.
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means without prior written consent from The Fund for Peace-

The Fund for Peace
1101 14th Street NW, Suite 1020
Washington, D.C. 20005
T: +1 202 223 7940


Failed state, Wikipedia,

"A failed state is a state that has lost its effective ability to govern its populace. A failed state maintains legal sovereignty but experiences a breakdown in political power, law enforcement, and civil society, leading to a state of near-anarchy.

Common characteristics of a failing state include a government unable to tax and police its populace, control its territory, fill political or civil offices, or maintain its infrastructure. When this happens, widespread corruption and criminality, the intervention of state and non-state actors, the appearance of refugees and the involuntary movement of populations, sharp economic decline, and military intervention from both within and without the state are much more likely to occur.[1]

Metrics have been developed to describe the level of governance of states. The precise level of government control required to avoid being considered a failed state varies considerably amongst authorities.[2] Furthermore, the declaration that a state has "failed" is generally controversial and, when made authoritatively, may carry significant geopolitical consequences...." - 



 'JJinEcu' Important Note, FAQ #31-
  'JJinEcu' self defence Store' -

 #JourneymanJackinEcuador -
 #StrategicRelocationEcuador -
 -"I'd rather prep 15 years too early than 15 minutes too late."-
 (Proudly Serving all Ecuador Expats a coming and a going since 2008)
 fb pg.:

 #EcuadorRealEstate -
 fb pg.:
 "May your strategy be as dark as night and as
 swift as a boulder rolling down a mountain." ~ Sun Tzu

 Call Toll free from U.S. & Canada:
 Mnts: 770-828-7913, & Coast: 770-988-4492,

 ECU. Off: 02-380-4088, ECU. Cel Claro: 098-828-8953,
 WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, WIRE, Element, Sessions,
 Wickr, Converso, Zello, Viber- +593-98-828-8953,

 "If you wait for the perfect time to launch a new business,
 you will never be in business. If you want to travel,
 there is no perfect time. Don't wait for conditions
 to be perfect for anything...just go do it!"

 "Faith is not about everything turning out OK;
 Faith is about being OK no matter how things turn out."
 Ecuador Real Estate:
 "May your strategy be as dark as night and as
 swift as a boulder rolling down a mountain." ~ Sun Tzu


 (Plz like, share, comment, subscribe, click notification bell,
 I am not monetized by youtube, i do it for the fun of it and
 to share info about Ecuador since 2008)

 Thank You,
 Jack ECU Abercrombie,
 Cumbaya, Quito- ECUADOR S.A.

 Our Services, websites, contact info
 tel. #'s - USA, CAN & ECU. are all below:


 "I'd rather prep 15 years too early than 15 minutes too late."
 Strategic Relocation Ecuador:
 fb pg:

  Ecuador Real Estate:
  fb pg.:
 "May your strategy be as dark as night and as
 swift as a boulder rolling down a mountain." ~ Sun Tzu

 fb: 'Jack Ecu Abercrombie'-
 IG: 'Jack Ecu Abercrombie'-

  Art for Sale from Ecuadorian Noted Artist,
 (My Paw-inLaw) - Artist painter & sculptor:
 'Oscar Galo Duque' -
 Art Sales 'Abercrombie & Duque Ecuador Art for Sale' - fb pg:

 Plz meet My Lovely Wife Andrea Duque -  cell & whatsapp: +593-98-768-1052,
 My wife works full time as do i, and she usually checks her PM's and e-mails in the evening.
 Designs Hand Knits the Otavalo styled, Scarfs, Sweaters and PONCHOs,
 as well as a complete line of Baby Clothes- ALL HANDMADE: Andrea's on-line craft shop links:
 'boho_popbyduke' ig:
  'Rustica slow fashion' ig:

 Linked in:     

 My PayPal Acct:
 Cash App: $JourneymanJack

 JourneymanJack 100% positive feedback (1236*)
 eBay member since 12 NOV 2003:

 Google+ photos: My 2008 Ecuador Arrival photo albums:

 My 'JJinEc' google maps of saved places I frequent in EC:

 Call Toll free from USA & Canada:
 Mnts: 770-828-7913, & Coast: 770-988-4492,

 ECU. Off: 02-380-4088, ECU. Cel Claro: 098-828-8953,
 WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, WIRE, Element, Sessions,
 Wickr, Converso, Zello, Viber- +593-98-828-8953,

 For Virtual Real Estate Tours, PreTrip Planning
 Video Conference via Zoom, jitsi, "skype" user name:

 Someone once said that Ecuador is a country that is:
 •EASY to love-
 •HARD to understand-
 •Impossible to forget-

   Thank You Again,
   Jack ECU Abercrombie,
   Cumbaya, Quito- ECUADOR S.A.
  'If not us, who? And if not now, when?-

 'All the Very Best on Your Endeavors in Ecuador-
  “A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.”
            -Tim Cahill, via EEJ /CC,

  "Sometimes what looks like procrastination is really patience, strategic timing,
  and freeing up capacity for what's next. It's OK to not be ready yet."- 'M.D.'

  (However at some point:)

 "If you wait for the perfect time to launch a new business,
 you will never be in business. If you want to travel,
 there is no perfect time. Don't wait for conditions
 to be perfect for anything...just go do it!"

  “Now is the time to get serious about living your ideals. How long can you afford
 to put off who you really want to be? Your nobler self cannot wait any longer.
 Put your principles into practice – now.
 Stop the excuses and the procrastination. This is your life!
 You aren’t a child anymore. The sooner you set yourself to your spiritual program,
 the happier you will be.
 The longer you wait, the more you’ll be vulnerable to mediocrity
 and feel filled with shame and regret, because you know you are capable of better.
 From this instant on, vow to stop disappointing yourself.
 Separate yourself from the mob. Decide to be extraordinary and
 do what you need to do – now.” ~ Epictetus

 "Faith is not about everything turning out OK;
 Faith is about being OK no matter how things turn out."
 {Comprehensive Introductory / Exploratory Tours Custom Fitted to your Relocation wants and needs with Pre-Trip Planning,
 Reservations, Expats & Locals Meet Ups, Rentals / Realty, Survival Spanish, Intro to EC Customs & Culture, Translator,
 Shopping, Vip Transport.., (the following would come later if you decide ECU is for you and yours)...

 Immigration, Residency Visas, Import / Export- Pets, Air Cargo, Dual Citizenship, Dual Passports, Banking,
 Rentals, Realty, Farm Land, Homesteading, Property & Site Management, Sea Container Shipping & Logistics,
 Security & Safety Measures, Import / Export- Pets, Air Cargo, Vehicle & Home Inspections, Marriage Registration,
 Document Translations, Insurance, Healthcare, Law / Tax, Finding Missing Persons In ECU., No charge for initial
 Consultations Skype Video Or Toll Free Telephone}

 ((if you would like all 30+ of my #JourneymanJack in Ecuador = 'JJinEcu' Tips and Important Notes FAQs #1- thru #30 of my Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Relocation to Ecuador tips, plz feel free to send me PM or an e-mail to


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