Monday, May 29, 2023

17MAR23- Albanian Narcos: Bullets, bloodshed and Britain | Exclusive Daily Mail

17 Mar 2023 ‘narco state’ #Ecuador- Albanian Narcos: Bullets, bloodshed and Britain- 'Exclusive Daily Mail' - "Albanian Narcos: Bullets, bloodshed and Britain | Exclusive. Albanian gangsters have ruthlessly seized control of the supply of cocaine in South America to flood Britain’s streets with record amounts of the drug, a Daily Mail investigation today reveals.

The global tentacles of blood-thirsty mafia kingpins from the Balkans now extend from ‘narco state’ Ecuador to cities and towns across the UK. Details of the chilling development are revealed in our new two-part investigation into the trail of destruction left by Britain’s insatiable demand for cocaine – which is fuelling bloodshed abroad.

Our probe, and an accompanying documentary for The Mail+ and MailOnline, ‘ALBANIAN NARCOS: Bullets, Bloodshed & Britain’, lays bare the true cost of the UK’s cocaine epidemic both here and in Ecuador - a small, impoverished country 6,000 miles away." -