25 FEB22- Merchant ships hit by missiles; Grain / Fertilizer exports STOP in Ukraine/Russia- https://youtu.be/i7SVjmv9R-k
“The winners of Wars are determined before they are ever started”
“All wars are bankers wars” - mike rivera,
“War is a racket” - Gen Smedly Butler,
"The first casualty of War is Truth"
Revisit the 1990’s movie: “wag the dog”
The DS needs to flip the script and change the narrative from time to
time as they see fit.
27 FEB22- The UNLIKELY Effects the RUSSIAN Invasion has had on Ecuador: https://youtu.be/dd_mKWazslM
๐ฌ(From an Ec Expat Blogger Buddy of mine in Quito, back
2.5 months ago, the world stage was a much simpler place and time ⏰,
well kinda sort of:)
Monday, December 20, 2021 - Event Horizon Chronicle -
Title: '2022 and 2023' / -"only the very strong will make it thru 2022"-
my good friend and Ecuador expat relocator, Jack Abercrombie, says:
“Only the strong will survive 2022.” Translation: to say that 2022 will
be a real tough slog is an understatement. In that vein, if for whatever
reason anyone reading this would like to relocate to Ecuador from
elsewhere in the world,
I don't know anyone better qualified to
facilitate the move than Jack Abercrombie. It is what he does. He lives
and breathes the minutiae of relocating people from other countries to
Ecuador." - Please contact Jack at: http://journeymanjack(.)com"
- #StategicRelocationEcuador-
Important Note #5-
(Quito, Cumbaya)- "Howdy Neighbors just a Reminder, as usual, the Expat Meet & Greet Team will be taking
Lunch Break Each Tuesday, in Cumbaya - Primavera-1 at ‘El Patio’ @ 13:30, join us if you are freed up to do so?
...each and every Tuesday -
We look fwd. to see yah there, Some bring fresh fruits and veggies from our gardens to share with others-
<We had a 25 Attend last Tuesday, and often go well into 17:00 - 17:30 with Coffee and desert, and as well adult beverages,
such as Sabai Craft beers with 10% al-ka-hol content>
2 for Tuesday 02/22/2022 - Live and in Concert @ at El Patio #Cumbaya Expats meet an greet luncheon-
Feb 22, 2022 -'Journeyman Jack In Ecuador' - "We had 25 attendees show up for todays weekly Tuesday 22 FEB 2022 expats meet n greet.
YouTube may pull this down for copyright infringement for the so very well done duet performed by the seasoned entertainers @Walt Szymanski & @Leaping Lanny Poffo Genius Lanny Poffo performing (Frank S) & followed with a Solo by Lanny - 'Amanda'
(1974) Waylon J. - off of "The Ramblin Man" Album....." -
https://youtu.be/jPUnJg2Pfwc - #StrategicRelocationEcuador
(plz like share and subscribe)
My Services, web links, contact info
tel. #'s - US, CAN & EC. are all below:
Thank You,
Jack Abercrombie,
Cumbaya, Quito- ECUADOR S.A.
"May your strategy be as dark as night and as
swift as a boulder rolling down a mountain." ~ Sun Tzu
"I'd rather prep 10 years too early than 10 minutes too late."
Strategic Relocation Ecuador: http://JourneymanJack.com/
Ecuador Real Estate: http://EcuadorRealEstate.org
Call Toll free from U.S. & Canada:
Mnts: 770-828-7913, & Coast: 770-988-4492,
EC. Off: 02-380-4088,
Ec. Cel Claro: 098-828-8953,
WhatsApp, Zello, Telegram,
Signal, WIRE, Element:
For Virtual Real Estate Tours, PreTrip Planning
Video Conference via Zoom, jitsi, "skype" user name:
Someone once said that Ecuador is a country that is:
•EASY to love-
•HARD to understand-
•Impossible to forget-
'All the Very Best on Your Endeavors in Ecuador-
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