
Monday, February 28, 2022

“The winners of Wars are determined before they are ever started” 28 FEB 2022

 25 FEB22- Merchant ships hit by missiles; Grain / Fertilizer exports STOP in Ukraine/Russia-



“The winners of Wars are determined before they are ever started”

“All wars are bankers wars” - mike rivera,

“War is a racket” - Gen Smedly Butler,

"The first casualty of War is Truth"

Revisit the 1990’s movie: “wag the dog”

 The DS needs to flip the script and change the narrative from time to
time as they see fit.

27 FEB22- The UNLIKELY Effects the RUSSIAN Invasion has had on Ecuador:     


  🎬(From an Ec Expat Blogger Buddy of mine in Quito, back 2.5 months ago, the world stage was a much simpler place and time ⏰, well kinda sort of:)

Monday, December 20, 2021 - Event Horizon Chronicle -
 Title: '2022 and 2023'  / -"only the very strong will make it thru 2022"-

".....As my good friend and Ecuador expat relocator, Jack Abercrombie, says: “Only the strong will survive 2022.” Translation: to say that 2022 will be a real tough slog is an understatement. In that vein, if for whatever reason anyone reading this would like to relocate to Ecuador from elsewhere in the world,

I don't know anyone better qualified to facilitate the move than Jack Abercrombie. It is what he does. He lives and breathes the minutiae of relocating people from other countries to Ecuador." - Please contact Jack at: http://journeymanjack(.)com"
 - #StategicRelocationEcuador-


Important Note #5-
(Quito, Cumbaya)- "Howdy Neighbors just a Reminder, as usual, the Expat Meet & Greet Team will be taking
 Lunch Break Each Tuesday, in Cumbaya - Primavera-1 at ‘El Patio’ @ 13:30,  join us if you are freed up to do so?
  ...each and every Tuesday -

  We look fwd. to see yah there, Some bring fresh fruits and veggies from our gardens to share with others-
 <We had a 25 Attend last Tuesday, and often go well into 17:00 - 17:30 with Coffee and desert, and as well adult beverages,
such as Sabai Craft beers with 10% al-ka-hol content>


2 for Tuesday 02/22/2022 - Live and in Concert @ at El Patio #Cumbaya Expats meet an greet luncheon-
 Feb 22, 2022 -'Journeyman Jack In Ecuador' - "We had 25 attendees show up for todays weekly Tuesday 22 FEB 2022 expats meet n greet.

YouTube may pull this down for copyright infringement for the so very well done duet performed by the seasoned entertainers @Walt Szymanski & @Leaping
Lanny Poffo Genius Lanny Poffo  performing (Frank S) & followed with a Solo by Lanny - 'Amanda'
 (1974) Waylon J. - off of "The Ramblin Man" Album....." - - #StrategicRelocationEcuador
 (plz like share and subscribe)



 My Services, web links,  contact info
 tel. #'s - US, CAN & EC. are all below:

Thank You,
Jack Abercrombie,
Cumbaya, Quito- ECUADOR S.A.

"May your strategy be as dark as night and as
swift as a boulder rolling down a mountain." ~ Sun Tzu

"I'd rather prep 10 years too early than 10 minutes too late."
Strategic Relocation Ecuador:
Ecuador Real Estate:

Call Toll free from U.S. & Canada:
Mnts: 770-828-7913, & Coast: 770-988-4492,
EC. Off: 02-380-4088,
Ec. Cel Claro: 098-828-8953,

WhatsApp, Zello, Telegram,
Signal, WIRE, Element:

For Virtual Real Estate Tours, PreTrip Planning
Video Conference via Zoom, jitsi, "skype" user name:

Someone once said that Ecuador is a country that is:
•EASY to love-
•HARD to understand-
•Impossible to forget-

'All the Very Best on Your Endeavors in Ecuador-


Thursday, February 17, 2022

15 FEB 2022- Party on ‘el patio’ Expats weekly Meet n Greet each Tuesday #Cumbaya

Feb 16, 2022- CUMBAYÁ- 'Party on ‘el patio’ Expats weekly 
Meet n Greet each and every Tuesday #Cumbaya, #Quito- #Ecuador-
'Journeyman Jack In Ecuador'- 136 subscribers-

 "We had 37 attendees show up for the weekly Tuesday 15 FEB 2022 expats meet n greet.

We have been in the same location for 5 years, we were 2 years at
 another nearby location before this container food court venue 
became available...." -

🚨Plz dont forget to place your last minute orders for tomorrow with  @Robby Rc  Mindo Choco Pnut Butter 
He will be bringing a delivery of fresh organic chocolate products tomorrow to 'El Patio Cumbaya' from Mindo-

(Quito, Cumbaya)- "Howdy Neighbors just a Reminder, as usual, the Expat Meet & Greet Team will be taking Lunch Break Each Tuesday, in Cumbaya - Primavera-1 at ‘El Patio’ @ 13:30,  join us if you are freed up to do so?  ...each and every Tuesday -

  We look fwd. to see yah there, Some bring fresh fruits and veggies from our gardens to share with others- 
 <We had a 37 Attend last Tuesday, and often go well into 17:00 - 17:30 with Coffee and desert, and as well adult beverages, such as Sabai Craft beers with 10% al-ka-hol content that helps fight the covids cooties:>

...and we had 11 show for Souper Bowel Sunday 13 FEB 2022 at a take off on Hooters called Hunters in Tumbaco, they have had another location in La Floresta Quito for many years, this tumbaco store just opened in the past few months.

Several of our El Patio lunch group have committed to Super Bowl this SUN at the Hunters Tumbaco location: 

Intervalles y Segunda Transversal
(diagonal Club El Nacional)

022371327 / 022371378


FB: HuntersBarRestaurant
IG: HuntersQuito


Looks like 18:30, but it is a small venue so come 1-2 hrs early to get a good seat, plenty of pre- game shenanigans supposed to take place:)

 I wud think prime time tv show hours,   W, demonic half time shows and anti USA lets take a knee antics i dont follow it that closely for the past few years, 

  Your fav search engine can pull up game time for u, 🏈  Go falcons, if it were not for the hunter graphic i wud not even know who is the teams playing,  

 I organize this for u guys to have a get together, Tips: dont go to scala mall produbanco today,

💟"For the past 20 years I've received a Valentines card from
 the same secret admirer. So I was pretty upset when I didn't
 get one this year. First my granny dies and now this." 💝
 💘(RIP Margarita Smith 05 MARCH 1925 - FEB 2019)❤️

[13:54, 14/02/2022] Journeyman Jack Ecuador Strategic Relocation & Realty Services:
[13:54, 14/02/2022] Journeyman Jack Ecuador Strategic Relocation & Realty Services: For anyone that didn’t see it, we sent out an alert yesterday to US citizens with the new entry requirements.  The QR code is not necessary, only a vaccination certificate or negative PCR within 72 hours.
this is a window of opp that i do not think will not last for any real length of time, so get on down here to Ec whilst u still can man!


Feb 14, 2022- 'Police Confront Illegal Miners in Ecuador-
RT- 4.55M subscribers- "About 1,600 security forces carried out an operation against illegal mining in Yutzupino. In an attempt to prevent their eviction, 

the miners threw stones at the officers. According to local officials, the irregular extraction of gold causes significant environmental damage." - #news #trending #worldevents

Freedom over censorship, truth over narrative.


Aussie Counselling- 

A desperate looking woman stood poised on the edge of a cliff, about to jump off.  An old homeless bloke who was wandering by stopped and said, "Look, since you'll be dead in a few minutes and it won't matter to you, how about a quickie before you go?"

She screamed, "NO!  Bugger off you filthy old bastard!"

He shrugged and turned away saying, "Okay then, I'll just go and wait at the bottom."  

She didn't jump.- Counselling can work!!!


My Services, info and contact
 tel. #'s - US, CAN & EC. are all below:

"May your strategy be as dark as night and as 
swift as a boulder rolling down a mountain." ~ Sun Tzu

Relocation Ecuador:
Ecuador Real Estate:

Call Toll free from U.S. & Canada:
Mnts: 770-828-7913, & Coast: 770-988-4492, 
EC. Off: 02-380-4088, 
Ec. Cel Claro: 098-828-8953, 

WhatsApp, Zello, Telegram, 
Signal, WIRE, Element: 

For Virtual Real Estate Tours, PreTrip Planning 
Video Conference via Zoom, jitsi, "skype" user name: 

Someone once said that Ecuador is a country that is: 
•EASY to love- 
•HARD to understand-
•Impossible to forget- 

'All the Very Best on Your Endeavors in Ecuador-

Thank You,
Jack Abercrombie,
Cumbaya, Quito- ECUADOR S.A.