
Thursday, April 30, 2020

FRI 01 MAY 20/20 ⚒ is the Day of the Worker, - May Day, May Day, May Day, May Day,

FRI 01 MAY 20/20 is the regular annual Día Internacional del Trabajo / Day of the Worker, which is also known as May Day, there will be the usual marching, drinking, partying, No Social distancing will be respected, if police and troops intervene, it could lead to protesting,, they best let them have their fun, for now.

I am like Sgt. Schultz from Hogans Heroes and: "I know Nothing." But, (JMHO) - Correa was just convicted and sentenced to 8 yrs in prison, he is desperate, his time is running out to create turmoil here in EC before the next Pres. Election FEB 2021.

He helped, backed, sponsored & orchestrated a lot of the OCT 2019 Riots. Many of the operators and agent provocateurs were rounded up and arrested.

Correa has a big war chest of stolen money from the EC coffers, maybe in excess of $35 - $40 Billion to work with. Our North and South borders by land, and sea from West, jungles from East can still be penetrated even though we are in a supposed lockdown.

But, do the outside mercenaries and operators want to risk CV19, even if the pay is good, is it worth your life?

I think the severity of COVD19 in EC is dwarfing, and distracting from Correa's movement to create a backed, sponsored civil unrest, at this moment, it is still sort of a shock and awe mode at this time.

There is small out breaks of 'social disobedience' now in GYE & Quito, but, I will be surprised if it will go large scale civil unrest on 01 MAY.

....If, a big 'IF' - [They] = the EC Ministry of Truth, don't get their act together, and start telling some more palatable / believable Lies on 'CV19' Cases & Death Stats and testing / reporting protocols, or God forbid [They] be truthful and forthcoming,...

..if this charade continues, there could be some legitimate, organic riots, that could again be infiltrated, I don't think all of the storm components are ready to go severe this 01 MAY....

but, as we are locked down, and at some point lightened up, and wave 2 comes along and locked down again, and lightened up again, then comes wave 3...etc etc...,

There will be enough dismay and downright rage against [They] before the EC Pres Election to set off the spark, and Correa and his old #35 minions will be there to pour gas on the fire, the planet battles wave after multiple waves for the next 18 - 24 months. Think of it as a Anaconda constrictor snake, each time we get past a wave and come out of lockdown, they will take away a few more freedoms each time~~~ 🐍

...if the food chain continues to break down, like dumping milk and vegetables, and the Agro Sector and Transportation Logistics of Food is not closely watched and monitored, what 'social disobedience' that happened in OCT 2019 will look like a bunch of amateur rookies->

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