
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Checking out at the 'SuperMaxi' Sup. Mkt. at Ventura Mall in Tumbaco

Checking in from the SuperMaxi (SM) at Ventura Mall in Tumbaco last night. MON 31 JUL17-
JIF Creamy Peanut Butter- Labeled as: "Net WT. 28oz. (1Lb 12oz) 793g. NON GMO*- Gluten Free, non affiliate price- $15.36 SM card affiliate- $14.63"

The ingredient labeling laws in EC are fairly stringent, straight forward & taken seriously, but maybe there are ways around that. 

Posted on August 1, 2017 • Filed under: Business, Economy, Ecuador


E.O. 12958: DECL: 08/08/2018

Classified By: Reason: 1.4 B and D.

"The Wright Family"

"--21. (SBU) The group is a leader in the commercial sector,
with its largest company being Supermarkets La Favorita,
better known as grocery stores Supermaxi and Megamaxi. The
Wright family changed the concept of grocery sales in
Ecuador, with the opening of the first supermarket chain in
Ecuador, Supermaxi (Ecuadorians used to buy their groceries
at farmer markets and at small stores). In 2005 La Favorita
had sales of over $690 million, and $355.5 million in assets.

In 2007 Lideres (El Comercio newspaper’s weekly magazine
which documents business leaders and business developments),
along with Price Waterhouse Coopers, ranked La Favorita as
the most respected company in Ecuador. Thomas Wright is the
head of the Wright family but rumors say he may be
contemplating retirement. The CEO and Executive President of
La Favorita is Thomas Wright’s son Ronald Wright; his
youngest son, Andy Wright, is Vice President. The family’s
political profile is low, although it made contributions to
different political parties during the 2006 presidential

22. (SBU) Other companies within La Favorita in addition to
Supermaxi are: Megamaxi (Wal-mart style superstore),
Superdespensa (supermarket), Bebe Mundo (similar to Babies r
us), Jugueton (toy store), Misterbooks (bookstore), Televent
(TV Sales), ComoHogar (household supplies), Importpoint
(import company), Pollo Favorito Profasa (chicken), Andean
Milk (dairy products), Maxipan (bread), Agropesa, and Lechera
Andina (dairy products), among others. The Wrights also have
a hydroelectric generation plant, Enermax S.A., in Cotopaxi
To just run in and out of a SuperMaxi in 30 minutes, to grab some milk, eggs, bacon, bread and a bit of chicken and a few odds & ends, barely covering the bottom of the grocery buggy is always a $100. bill for me and sweety.

I have 3 SM's in my area including a MegaMaxi, but prefer the smaller - medium sized SM store in the old Ventura Mall. It was built about 25 yrs ago, and has a good 99% occupancy of vendors & stores, No boarded up stalls nor stores going out of business:

I have shopped in a many of the various SM's from one end of EC to the other over the years, if you see something on the shelf you may like or want, don't hesitate> grab it and growl, it may not be there next week....

There is a high concentration of old oil field workers from the UK - US & Canada in Cumbaya & Tumbaco Valleys since the 1960's, 70's, 80's & 90's from the good old EC oil field days, and run into them often at my local SM's they are normally easily approachable, friendly & welcoming to a relatively- newcomer like myself. (Cumbaya is 18 kms East of Quito, and 18 Kms West of the UIO Quito INT Airport, - UIO is way out in the middle of nowheres near rose plantation agriculture area since grand opening of FEB 2013.

If you see another foreigner in a SM, in the S. or N. Sierra, or Coastal, it's ok to make eye contact and or crack a smile, (unless you are on the America's Most Wanted list:) you might just make a really good friend with a boatload of knowledge & know how that's willing to share...?

--"To travel is to learn. Period!"-- 'If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.'- James Michener-

In person face 2 face no one will judge you for your shopping cart having a few transgenico GMO products or enough booze for an entire oil field workers camp, you will only see that sort criticism on the various EC Expat groups, forums & social media like fb from behind the PC monitor. an old friend that frequents the SM in Ibarra N. Sierra says:
"It ain't wine, but it's CLOS" (In 2008- 1 Ltr. was $3.85, now $7.65)

Author: Danielle Cearbaugh:

--"Did you know that a smile is contagious? It costs nothing to give, but reaps great rewards for both the receiver and the giver.

A Smile Spreads Good Cheer

Mother Teresa of Calcutta once said, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”

It’s amazing that your simple smile can brighten someone’s day in a moment’s notice. Too often we underestimate the power of a smile. Although it may be considered the smallest act of caring and it takes little or no effort on our part, it has the power to turn a life around—in fact more than one.

Like the ripple effect of a pebble tossed into a pond, your smile will spread far beyond the first person who receives it. You never know how many people will benefit because you smiled first....."
Sorry for not posting a blog here on "JJinEC" since MAY17, it has been one introductory / exploratory road trip after another, and 1-2-3 months later same guest needs a move in and set up- for example, I had a great 2014, a slow 2015 & 16, but this 2017 is wide open, let's all go to EC at the same time, lol:)

"Road Trip UIO - Cotacachi - Mindo - Canoa - Bahia - Manta - Olon, Montanita, Manglaralto"

--"Pulled out of my driveway in Quito- TUE 11 JUL - returned home Two Weeks later TUE 25 JUL17 - 2,010 kms = 1,246 miles round trip~ On way up the Coast from Olon- North back to Quito stopped in and visited with the Zambrano Family in the Rio Canoa Community, 6kms inland from Canoa Beach~

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jack, Congratulations, I nominated you for a Liebster Award! You can find out more details on my post from today: Liebster Award.

    Safe journeys around Ecuador,
