
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gratitude Strengthens the Heart, Mind, Body and Soul - 03/15/2013

Here is my reply to a recent question about moving to Ecuador in the future, on one of the many many Ecuador groups & forums:
  Bienvenido = Welcome "John & Jane Doe" I was a 45 yr GA. Native, trying to squeak out another 45 yrs in EC. mostly in Quito, but I got Friends and Family all over Ecuador's 3 Big C's:

   Cotacachi - Cuenca - Coast that allow me to hang out with them fairly regularly. I agree w/ the above big ft. post, "No it ain't easy, if it was easy everybody would be doing it." It's a big step not to be taken lightly.

   Do your due diligence research - good - bad & ugly, read & research any and everything you can get your hands on, absorb it like a sponge, weigh it out & shake it out.

   I have seen folks come down 2-3 times over a 2-3 yr period, and it still not work out, and go back after a year or 2....and I've seen them come in w/ the young'uns, dog and 15 check bags, never b4 been to a Latin American country nor EC and assimilate and do just fine.

   You gotta want it, and want it sooo much w/ all your heart - mind - body & soul, if you can get into that frame of mind, then all the lil pieces can usually fall into place for you.

  Everybody wants answers & responses that tells them exactly what you're going to get & expect from Living in EC, but obviously that's not possible, as the Auto Mfg's say: "your mileage may vary"

 I for one am a Very Thankful-
-JourJa Boy to be living in ECUADOR: 

  Gratitude reminds you of what truly matters in life. It is all too easy to get ... 
...Gratitude is one of the most important foods for the soul, as it has the ability to enhance and maintain happiness and well-being, and this in turn nourishes the mind, body and spirit. Being thankful for the things you have and appreciating both the good and the bad in your life has the power to transform the way you actually live your life. 
  When you are constantly reminding yourself of what you have to be happy for, you will be happy. And when you're happy, you can live a longer and healthier life. In fact, a study at the University College London revealed that elderly people who were happy with their lives lived up to 20-35 percent longer than their not-so-happy counterparts. Now, that alone is something to be thankful for. The following are some reasons why gratitude is so important:
• Gratitude reminds you of what truly matters in life. It is all too easy to get caught up in day-to-day stresses and take for granted the things that are important to us. If you remind yourself each day of the things you are thankful for, you begin to focus more on the important and less on the superficial.....See More:

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