
Sunday, June 26, 2022

- 🚨Jun 12, 2022- 'Hannah Barron' Presents the 'Kimber II Pepper Blaster Review- For those times when you can’t carry! 🔫

- 🚨Jun 12, 2022- 'Hannah Barron' Presents the 'Kimber II Pepper Blaster Review- 😭948,404 views / 418K subscribers- "Kimber II Pepper Blaster Review For those times when you can’t carry! 🔫 Don’t try this at home!" -

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

TUE 14JUN22 - 'The Ecuador Report' - DAY#2 of #ParoNacional - We had 19 show up.....

 TUE 14JUN22 - 'The Ecuador Report' - DAY#2 of #ParoNacional - We had 19 show up at The Cumbaya, Quito Meet and Greet Luncheon today. I know there are problems in many areas of the country, but in the Eastern Quito Valley Suburbs it is good to go for the moment. At times we have 35 - 45 make it to break bread together, so we were down on attendance today. 

 First time visitor The Flower Guy Hugh Prather The Pres of the ‘Rose Guy’ - flew in from CUE to UIO this morning to be able to make lunch with US. 

...and Mohsen Abbasi at rode in on his new electric bike. If it is under 80kgs in Ecuador you do not need a drivers license nor tag. 
Important Note- if you fly into UIO Quito INT to connect in or out with a layover, or ever have any visa or naturalization business to conduct in the Capitol of EC, plz do drop in and break bread with US-
(Quito, Cumbaya)- "Howdy Neighbors just a Reminder, as usual, the Expat Meet & Greet Team will be taking Lunch Break Each Tuesday, in Cumbaya - Primavera-1 at ‘El Patio’ @ 13:30, join us if you are freed up to do so? - ...each and every Tuesday -
We look fwd. to see yah there, We have set up a book exchange, and Some attendees bring fresh fruits and veggies from our gardens to share with others-
<We had 32 Attend last Tuesday, and often go well into 16:00 - 16:30 with Coffee and desert, and as well as adult beverages, such as Sabai Craft beers with 10% al-ka-hol content>
...and From 16:30 to 18:30 several of us go 4 blocks up the hill to Kambucha Bar and High Dose Vit C iv drips at 'Casa del Sol'- as well as our visiting guests Lodge here:
For directions and more details- Our Services, websites, contact info
tel. #'s - USA, CAN & ECU. are all below:
"I'd rather prep 10 years too early than 10 minutes too late."
Strategic Relocation Ecuador:
Ecuador Real Estate:
"May your strategy be as dark as night and as
swift as a boulder rolling down a mountain." ~ Sun Tzu
Call Toll free from USA & Canada:
Mnts: 770-828-7913, & Coast: 770-988-4492,
ECU. Off: 02-380-4088,
ECU. Cel Claro: 098-828-8953,
WhatsApp, Zello, Telegram, Viber,
Signal, WIRE, Element, Sessions:
For Virtual Real Estate Tours, PreTrip Planning
Video Conference via Zoom, jitsi, "skype" user name:
Someone once said that Ecuador is a country that is:
•EASY to love-
•HARD to understand-
•Impossible to forget-
Thank You,
Jack Ecu Abercrombie,
Cumbaya, Quito- ECUADOR S.A.
'If not us, who? And if not now, when?-
'All the Very Best on Your Endeavors in Ecuador-
“A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.”
-Tim Cahill, via EEJ /CC-
Art for Sale from Ecuadorian Noted Artist,
(My Paw-inLaw) - Artist painter & sculptor:
'Oscar Galo Duque' -
Sales 'Abercrombie & Duque Ecuador' - fb pg:
My 'JJinEc' google maps of saved places I frequent in EC:
{Comprehensive Introductory / Exploratory Tours Custom Fitted to your Relocation wants and needs with Pre-Trip Planning, Reservations, Expats & Locals Meet Ups, Rentals / Realty, Survival Spanish, Intro to EC Customs & Culture, Translator, Shopping, Vip Transport....
(the following would come later if you decide EC is for you and yours)>...Immigration, Residency Visas, Import / Export- Pets, Air Cargo, Vehicle & Home Inspections, Marriage Registration, Dual Citizenship, Dual Passports, Document Translations, 
Insurance, Healthcare, Law / Tax, Banking, Farm Land, Property & Site Management, Sea Container Shipping & Logistics, Security & Safety Measures, Finding Missing Persons In EC., Skype Video Or Toll Free Tel. Consultations}

14JUN22- Custom made "Journeyman Jacks-Slaps'' (SAP) A practical non-lethal and legal self defense systems device.

 Important Note #5A- if you fly into UIO Quito INT to connect in or out with a layover, or ever have any visa or naturalization business to conduct in the Capitol of EC, plz do drop in and break bread with US-

(Quito, Cumbaya)- "Howdy Neighbors just a Reminder, as usual, the Expat Meet & Greet Team will be taking Lunch Break Each Tuesday, in Cumbaya - Primavera-1 at ‘El Patio’ @ 13:30, join us if you are freed up to do so? - ...each and every Tuesday -

We look fwd. to see yah there, We have set up a book exchange, and Some attendees bring fresh fruits and veggies from our gardens to share with others-

<We had 32 Attend last Tuesday, and often go well into 16:00 - 16:30 with Coffee and desert, and as well as adult beverages, such as Sabai Craft beers with 10% al-ka-hol content>


...and From 16:30 to 18:30 several of us go 4 blocks up the hill to Kambucha Bar and High Dose Vit C iv drips at 'Casa del Sol'-

--We will also have another visitor up from Cuenca tomorrow- Hugh Prather - 'The Flower Guy' - he ships flowers from
ECU to USA / CAN and Globally! 💐🌷🌹🥀🌺🌸
🤠(The show must go on! )👺

Back when i was young whipper snapper coming up on the south side of ATL (1970s - 'Lakewood') as a shoe shine boy in my Uncle Harry's Barber Shop the local beat cops 👮‍♂️carried on their Bat Utility Belt something called a 'SAP' - a thick leather strap with a large heavy piece of LEAD stitched into it. (pre, the non-lethal-tazers era) I have partnered with an outfit in the Cotacachi Leather Craft town to make a similar device designed into a fashionable Mens Coin purse, 🇪🇨'MADE IN ECUADOR'.🇪🇨

 ...with some practice, it's amazing what about $20 - $25 worth Sacagawea (carrying her baby) US Dollar coins in a zippered tooled leather 'Slap-Jack' can do when wielded and applied in the correct manner. With ECU911 being a cash based society, and more especially now a days we all have a need for some handy loose change on hand at all times.!

I offer and bring these custom made "Journeyman Jacks-Slaps'' to the weekly expats meet and greet lunch every Tuesday, i offer 2 different models, asking $25. & $30. each. - They can also be found on-line in the USA and muled down, but often times they are made of inferior material and lesser quality stitching made in CHINA. -


 i also have 2 different models of the tactical stunn flashlights for $40 & $50. each, with some regular practice and familiarity they can also deliver a hi-voltage stunning surprise to an assailant, and just by the sound of the arcing (welder type of sound effects) zapper sends the feral dogs on their merry way, with no need to make physical contact.


-Newbies into this arena need Learn to practice practice practice daily with any sort of these non-lethal devices.-

-We can also talk more freely and openly f2f (not allowed on fb) about many other very practical non-lethal and legal systems and devices that can be easily and legally muled down. I have a couple of reliable and economical mules i can refer and rely on.---🐴

(Repeat) Important Note #5A- if you fly into UIO Quito INT to connect in or out with a layover, or ever have any visa or naturalization business to conduct in the Capitol of EC, plz do drop in and break bread with us-

(Quito, Cumbaya)- "Howdy Neighbors just a Reminder, as usual, the Expat Meet & Greet Team will be taking Lunch Break Each Tuesday, in Cumbaya - Primavera-1 at ‘El Patio’ @ 13:30, join us if you are freed up to do so? - ...each and every Tuesday -

We look fwd. to see yah there, We have set up a book exchange, and Some attendees bring fresh fruits and veggies from our gardens to share with others-

<We had 32 Attend last Tuesday, and often go well into 16:00 - 16:30 with Coffee and desert, and as well as adult beverages, such as Sabai Craft beers with 10% al-ka-hol content>


...and From 16:30 to 18:30 several of us go 4 blocks up the hill to Kambucha Bar and High Dose Vit C iv drips at 'Casa del Sol'- as well as our visiting guests Lodge here:

For directions and more details #StrategicRelocationEcuador-
"I'd rather prep 10 years too early than 10 minutes too late."
Call Toll free from USA & CAN:
Mnts: 770-828-7913, & Coast: 770-988-4492,

"May your strategy be as dark as night and as
swift as a boulder rolling down a mountain." ~ Sun Tzu
ECU. Off: 02-380-4088,
ECU. Cel Claro: 098-828-8953,

'If not us, who? And if not now, when?-
WhatsApp, Zello, Telegram, Viber,
Signal, WIRE, Element, Sessions:
Thank You from all of US #JourneymanJackinEcuador -

Someone once said that Ecuador is a country that is:
•EASY to love-
•HARD to understand-
•Impossible to forget-

'All the Very Best on Your Endeavors in Ecuador-
“A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.”
-Tim Cahill, via Ecu Expat Journey / 'CC'-

Monday, June 13, 2022

THU 09JUN22 - 'The Ecuador Report' - Womens personal feminine hygiene products - supply chain shortages-

 "I shop at our small nearby 9 aisles super mkt.: SuperMaxi in Tumbaco, Metro Quito Valleys (think regular small town walmart, passing by an even closer and much bigger MegaMaxi in Cumbaya with 14 aisles and triple the sq. ft, w, clothing and electronics dept. think like super-walmarts of Ecuador)

...about every 2 - 3 weeks for many years. Now and then the little woman has me stock up and make her personal purchases from time to time. This past THU 09JUN22 i noticed for the first time that there was a slight supply chain shortage for tampons. Don’t forget about these types of items if you are not prepared with alternativos.
Super y Mega maxi always stuffed their shelves with all products super full super tight, and have always kept it that way, 🤔 I also have noticed that our local 'fybeca' (the walgreens pharmacy of Ecuador) also has some gaps and some empty shelves, and prices creeping steadily up🤕 -
?Has anyone else noticed this sorts of things, or is it just me? 💸
 Our Services, websites, contact info
tel. #'s - USA, CAN & ECU. are all below:


"I'd rather prep 10 years too early than 10 minutes too late."
Strategic Relocation Ecuador:
Ecuador Real Estate:

"May your strategy be as dark as night and as
swift as a boulder rolling down a mountain." ~ Sun Tzu

Call Toll free from USA & Canada:
Mnts: 770-828-7913, & Coast: 770-988-4492,

ECU. Off: 02-380-4088,
ECU. Cel Claro: 098-828-8953,

WhatsApp, Zello, Telegram, Viber,
Signal, WIRE, Element, Sessions:

For Virtual Real Estate Tours, PreTrip Planning
Video Conference via Zoom, jitsi, "skype" user name:

Someone once said that Ecuador is a country that is:
•EASY to love-
•HARD to understand-
•Impossible to forget-

Thank You,
Jack Ecu Abercrombie,
Cumbaya, Quito- ECUADOR S.A.
'If not us, who? And if not now, when?-

'All the Very Best on Your Endeavors in Ecuador-
“A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.”
-Tim Cahill, via Ecuador Expat Journeys / Crash Course-

(Since 2016) From time to time I am also a stand in team member - extra man of the Ecuador Expat Journeys - 'Crash Course' Group Tours - 10 Days from the North Mtn's
to the Coast and to the South Mtn's on a 40 Passenger Commercial Bus with 25 - 35 other Guests.
It is a Great outfit that I am proud to be a part of, with 1,000's of successful Expats that have used their services over the years, it is a predetermined comprehensive set route with other couples & singles.

Beginning in Quito, and on to N. Sierra Cayambe, Otavalo, Cotacachi, Ibarra, back to the South & West to Middle of the World Park, Mindo Cloud Forest, and on to the Coast to~ Canoa - Bahia - San Clemente - Manta - Pto. Lopez, Pto. Cayo, Pto. Lopez - Ayangue - Salinas, GYE - Cajas National Park - Cuenca - Loja & Vilcabamba.:

2022 Tour Dates & Rates:- FROM $2800 US - BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY- 


July 21 - 30, 2022 - include Loja/Vilca to Aug 02,

Sept 22 - Oct 01, 2022 - include Loja/Vilca to Oct 04,

--"However I would also be glad to talk with you and help plan out your Private Exploratory custom fitted trip (for a 1 on 1 singles, couples, and or a Family) to where you want to go, directly to the locations that are of most interest to you and your needs, and therein be able to make the most & best of your time while in EC.

I have lived and worked full time in EC for the past 14 yrs, (an Atlanta, GA native, arrived at 45 yrs old, now 59 yrs old) and am a dual EC / US Citizen based out of the Eastern Metro Quito Suburb Valley of Cumbaya to be near the UIO INT Airport,
and I conduct custom fitted introductory tours throughout the country."--

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Thursday, June 9, 2022- #Quito #Ecuador - 'Skin Issues: It's War~!! As for death?' - Event Horizon Chronicle by Richard Sauder Phd.

 Thursday, June 9, 2022- #Quito #Ecuador - Event Horizon Chronicle by Richard Sauder Phd. (Spike protein transmissions / Viral Shedding) 'Skin Issues: It's War~!! As for death?' - ".... I obviously haven't died (though I came close) -- but listen to this: the kid upstairs from me died a month ago. He was only 24 years old, a decently successful amateur athlete, with multiple trophies and ribbons for races he had won, in both running and swimming competitions.

He was studious and quiet. He had just finished his university studies, was preparing to begin his life career, and now he's suddenly dead. His parents are in disbelief. Think of it -- their pride and joy -- and now his life is over, just when it should have been beginning. He is far from the first, and he will certainly not be the last.

My mortuary operator acquaintance whom I run into from time to time, recently told me that the death rate in Quito remains elevated above normal. The "jabbed" population is expiring. Very fast acting cancers are taking them down in mere weeks; also diabetes, strokes, heart attacks, that "virus", and more. Death from all causes is up and going higher, among the "jabbed" population. I asked him if he were willing to go public with that alarming news, and he warily replied that he and his colleagues in the death/mortuary/burial business prefer not to do that, for fear of ugly repercussions.

So far, the government here is still keeping a lid on the deteriorating situation -- for now, barely -- but past a certain point the population will unquestionably grow very uneasy and restive. Exactly when that will happen, remains to be seen. Later this year? Next year?

About 85% of the population in Ecuador have been jabbed at least once. Probably 75% have been jabbed twice, and maybe 40% three times, some of them four times. There will be death and crippling incapacity on a larger and larger scale in Ecuador, and in many other countries. It is inevitable, given the damaging effects of the mRNA jabs on the human body's immune system. The increased rate of death has already begun. It will get worse.

I continue to see numerous apartments, houses, office suites, store fronts, sundry commercial properties, and even entire buildings for sale or for rent as I move about the city (Quito). As the deaths continue to mount, there will be more and more of that, a growing glut of unsold, unrented, unsellable, unrentable, vacant, unoccupied, uninhabited real estate.

The day is also coming when the division of labor will become frayed, and less and less functional. What happens when too many electrical engineers die? Who will maintain the electrical power plants? When too many truck drivers die, who will deliver the food and other products that modern societies require?

... the Great Poisoning is real. For the past year my wife and I have suffered from having damaged immune systems. We did not take the injections. We eat healthy and exercise. We are about 70 years old living in Sonoma County, California.
The past year has been pure Hell. My wife’s skin burns and burns. Her hair is falling out. I have a red rash all over my body and my legs and arms are as swollen as Popeye the Sailor Man’s. The itching is driving me mad.....

The reader's comment struck me like a bolt from the blue, because I am just three years younger than he, am also non-"jabbed", and virtually the same thing that he describes has happened to me this year. I bet that we are not the only two, or three, if you count his wife. There must be a great many of us. When too many airline pilots die, what happens to international freight and air travel? We haven't reached that point quite yet, but it is drawing closer. As we move deeper into the insanity we will all find out together what that means for us as a human society, in South America, in North America and elsewhere....."

 "....I guesstimate that I am 90% better than four months ago, when I was in terrible, unbearable, unendurable agony. But I have to get at the root cause(s) of this debilitating syndrome. Something is sending my immune system into furious, extreme overdrive.

One possibility that I am considering is that maybe my body is having to learn to adjust to and live with the spike proteins that the millions of mRNA "jabbed" people that surround us all are shedding. What happened to me may have been a furious, emergency, survival response by my immune system against the spike proteins that the millions of "jabbed" people that surround me are shedding...." -

 "...Liver intoxication is probably a factor. I don't drink alcohol, but my liver may be overburdened by trying to flush toxins from the body, more than it can handle, so it dumped the overflow to the skin and peripheral tissues away from the body core -- places like the arms and legs, and the skin of the back and shoulders. Who knows what contaminants, pathogens and toxins are being dumped on us in the chemtrails, for example. I see the planes fly over Quito, and then the rainbow-colored mist takes an hour to spread out and slowly fall down like a curtain. The following day I feel like crap..." -