
Saturday, May 7, 2016

A devastating 7.8 Magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador the evening of April 16, 2016

When on bended knee Please remember our Ecuadorian Masonic Brothers down in SA. as well as our NA Brothers living and practicing the craft abroad in Ecuador, ~JJIEC~

Cuenca Wayfarers Lodge #69
"--Earthquake Appeal:
A devastating 7.8 Magnitude earthquake struck Ecuador the evening of April 16, 2016. Hundreds are dead, many thousands are without homes. The need is acute. With the urging and approval of the Grand Master, CWL #69 has established a PayPal account to receive contributions for those desiring to help. All the money will go to assist our brother Masons and Ecuadorians in need of assistance. Three temples have been destroyed, businesses owned by brothers or which employ brothers have likewise been destroyed. Please pass this information along and post it on your social media accounts:
Here is a photograph of the remains of Renacer Alfarista Lodge #58 in Manta, Ecuador. The red drape in the background is the only item recovered from the lodge.
Ron Watkins WM
The Following Comments by ~JJiEC~

 ~All you need is Ecuador, and all Ecuador needs is YOU!~...
...(Is for) YOU To Not cancel out your vacation & travel plans for this Year due to our
SAT 16 APR16 MAG. 7.8 EQ!!....

"Many hands make light work" -
Prov. 'If everyone helps with a large task, it will get done
easily and quickly. Cleaning up the banquet room won't take
 long if we all help; many hands make light ...'

~All the Very Best on Your Endeavors into, around and out of Ecuador~

 The little light house beacon 'El Faro' is still standing in Bahia de Caraquez:) Glad to know my non- demolished photos are liked and appreciated.

~Where there is hope, there is faith. Where there is faith, there is miracles happen.~

"Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit,

"A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.
A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true,"

'Don’t talk, just act. Don’t say, just show. Don’t promise, just prove',

-"Success in life comes when you simply refuse to give up, with goals so strong that obstacles,  failure, and loss only act as motivation..."
— at Bahia de Caraquez - ManabΓ­, ECUADOR - S.A.~~