
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Kimbler's Exit to Ecuador: ONCE A YEAR POSTS HAVE GOT TO STOP

Kimbler's Exit to Ecuador: ONCE A YEAR POSTS HAVE GOT TO STOP:If  there is anyone out there who still reads my blog.. or were waiting all year for my next post...the wait is over.

I have felt since we moved to Paute that we settled into our routine and
that our blog was not really going to be useful. I have been prompted
by friends and family to "get on the stick" and start writing again. So
here it is.

I will back track a bit. As you know we moved to Paute in 2014, we will
have been here 2 yrs in April of 2016! Where did those years go?

We have been enjoying our house after we made all the renovations to it, to make it livable.

The dogs have been enjoying all the room in the back yard, as well as
the garden area of the lot behind us that also belongs to our landlord.

We are now down to our 1995 Trooper, 1 Vespa 300 cc scooter. It is big enough for both of us to ride at the same time.

We have not many long trips on it ,but  getting around between  Paute and Gualaceo, the next big town over is very easy.

We visited the U.S. in May for 3 weeks. This was Randy's 2nd time
returning in 5 yrs. The first was our daughters wedding. My mother who
turned 94 this year, lives in Dallas Oregon, and our home town is in
Richland, Wa.

 I stayed 10 days at my moms, while Randy went on up to
Richland to visit with our friends until I arrived....<read more>